Last week I got the heartbreaking news that my dear friend Alan has passed away. A stroke then a heart attack.. Alan and John lived in Australia 11/12 years ago and would come into Verushka, Tora and my shows weekly. They were both as camp as tits and loved everything we did. We quickly became good friends with both of them. So when they decided they needed to return to the “mother land”… Newcastle UK, it was a shock but we were so happy for them to be closer to their families. Slowly we our interact became just at birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions but they both still had a place in my heart. Alan being such an incredible person also donated his organs to others so they could live. My love goes out to John, who must be truly lost at the moment…. Alan will now be with his favorite David Bowie and Dr Robert. Of course with matching Bowie lightening make up. Vale my friend ❤️